Oh, I bet you’ll like this picture, its part of a series. See, every year, on our anniversary, I take Brenda out of her cage, and upstairs, into the living room. I lay her down on the floor (tied up, of course) and I smoke a cigar, celebrating another successful year of marriage.
I usually put out the cigar on her skin somewhere. It burns her of course, and she makes the most wonderful squeals. I love the way her body squirms when I hurt her. Of course, every time I burn her with the cigar, it goes out and I have to light my cigar again, so the whole process usually takes a very long time. Which is fine with me. It’s good to take your time and enjoy some of life’s special moments, you know?
Brenda has been tied up in the basement for several years now, so I’ve got quite a nice little collection of these “anniversary pictures.” It’s interesting looking at them and seeing how she’s changed over time. I actually think she looks better now than she did when this started. She’s lost a lot of weight, and she doesn’t have that angry, fiery look in her eyes anymore. The fire in her eyes has definitely gone out. I love that.
Lets see here… what year is this picture from? I think this must have been the first year actually. This was only a couple of months after I first tied her up. See that tear rolling down her cheek? She doesn’t cry like that anymore. Not much. After years of beating her and fucking her, she’s gotten pretty docile.