Mistress Develo barely missed a slave auction that featured young ladies – and she barely failed to sucessfully bid on at least one or two of the best-looking ones available. The Mistress was somewhat a mystery to the auctioneers whom she dealt with and also was an unknown quanity to all others attending. She always came accompanied by her loyal personal secretary/confidant, Miss Sears, and a handful of very competent and dangerous-looking bodyguards who served to keep the uninvited at a distance and to quell any probing inquiries. Word was that it would be very, very unwise to try and follow her big, sleek limo when she left. Maybe it was because of the two other guard-filled cars that escorted hers. Maybe it was because of the absolute disappearance of the two curious thugs who had tried to follow the Mistress some years before. Or maybe it was the rumors of the Mistress’s family being the unseen force behind at least two or three of the more ruthless South American criminal cartels. The only reports that everyone agreed on was that the Mistress was a devotee of the most severe forms of sexual and physical sadism; the kind that featured chains, knives, electric probes and the like. Whatever the truth, to put it mildly; Mistress Develo was one whom no one was interested in messing with or antagonizing.